Bursting with Black Eyed Beans
Yet again, I missed the blog posting deadline - going to have to set myself a calendar reminder for next month!
But better late than never...
So I stared off in a soupy vein, and made a hearty soup with spinach, black eyed beans and peanut butter. Mr E and I thought it was delicious - Mini-M less so!
I then made some quick black-eyed bean humus - which again was shunned by Mini-M but which the grown up faction thought was lovely with lots of crunchy carrot and cucumber for dipping. At least Mini-M ate the cucumber...
Lemony Black Eyed Bean Humus (serves 2-3 as a main meal element, or more as a dip)
- 1 tin (340g) black eyed beans
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp water
- 1 large handful of curly parsley
- Generous pinch salt
- Lots of ground black pepper.
Take the stalks off the parsley.
Drain the beans.
Put everything in the food processor and blitz until smooth and well combined.