Cashew Cookie Baked Apples - and your chance to get a free Nakd bar

If you keep and eye on my blog from time to time, you might have seen that in the past I've posted a few different recipes incorporating Nakd bars - and it's time for another one - plus a chance to get yourself a free one to brighten up your snack time.

The lovely people at Nakd (as opposed to the lovely Nakd people, because that might just be something entirely different) sent me a variety of different bars to try. They are gluten, wheat and dairy free, so were a staple in our house anyway - great for lunchboxes and hungry toddler snacks.

So let's focus on the important bit... how to get a free one. It's simple. Just fill in this form, and you'll be emailed a voucher which you can then print and exchange for a free bar - yum! The giveaway is open until Sunday, or whenever the supplies run out - and I kid you not when I say that they are literally giving away thousands.

Now back to the recipe. As well as being super snack material, I think that Nakd bars are a fantastic baking ingredient - they bring lovely flavours and a great fudgy texture to a whole range of bakes and cakes.

Or indeed apples.

Like an warm autumn hug wrapped up in foil
Tonight I made some very low-fuss but nonetheless rather tasty baked apples for pudding - great for a miserable, misty, grey autumn day - comfort pudding but without the guilt.

Cashew Cookie Baked Apples (Serves 2)
2 eating apples
2 squares of tinfoil
1 Nakd Cashew Cookie Bar
A drizzle of cream of your choice - ours was soya

Preheat the oven to 180C (Fan 160C).
Corer - check; Nakd bar - check
Core the apples.
These apples are apparently not speaking to each other...
Chop the bar into small pieces.
Set an apple on each piece of foil and fill the hole of each with half of the chopped Nakd bar pieces.
Stuffed and ready for wrapping and baking
Loosely warp the apples in the foil and put them into a small casserole dish.
Bake for around 30 mins until the apple is soft.
Post-bake, sticky cashew cookie loveliness
Drizzle with cream (or yoghurt of any variety, or custard, or ice-cream - whatever takes your fancy!)

Mini-M loved this, and in typical contrary toddler style, asked for a spoon since I had forgotten, then when I brought one, ate it with her fingers anyway.

I love the fact that it feels like a proper hot pudding, but has no added refined sugar at all - one little bit less parenting guilt for the day.

And on the themes of a) toddler puddings, b) apples and c) Nakd bars, Mini-M was also a big fan of Apple Pie Nakd Oat Bar bar chopped up and sprinkled on top of soya yoghurt.

Fastest pudding every - prep time 1 min
Getting stuck in
Obligatory hand smushing
Making sure every last drop is licked off the spoon
Gone in record time!