Chocolate Orange Nakd Scones

I'm continuing my foray into the realms of 'things you can bake with Nakd bars' after being sent some to try by Natural Balance Foods.

So far we've had...

Baked plums with Nakd Ginger Crumble
Apple and Rhubarb Crumble, Nakd Style

And last weekend I baked some Chocolate Orange Nakd Scones, using a Nakd Cocoa Orange bar and a bag of Nakd Orange Infused Raisins.

Scones and a veritable plethora of topping options!
They were lovely, light and fluffy, studded with zingy raisins and chewy chunks of the chopped up bar.

We enjoyed them with friends in a civilised grown up manner, used then to successfully avert a mid-afternoon-I've-not-had-a-nap-overtired-and-hungry meltdown from Mini-M and used the few that were left the following day to conduct a family 'who likes what on their scone' survey!

Lovely Nakd bits (ooh err!)
The basic scone recipe I used was a new one to me, from the Great British Bake Off 'How to Avoid a Soggy Bottom' book and I have to confess I was sceptical. It is the first scone recipe I've seen that aims to blitz all the pieces of fat into tiny pieces - I was under the impression that it was larger pockets of fat that caused the scones to rise well. However I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt since it was a quick and easy food processor job, and it did indeed produce lovely light fluffy scones - even after I'd substituted out the butter and milk (and tweaked the quantities just a teensy bit!)

Chocolate Orange Nakd Scones (makes 6 medium sized scones and few toddler snack sized ones)

  • 1 Cocoa Orange Nakd Bar
  • 1 bag of Nakd Orange Infused Raisins
  • 250g Self Raising Flour
  • 30g golden caster sugar
  • 60g dairy free margarine (I used Pure Soya)
  • 110ml non-dairy milk (I used almond) plus a splash extra if need be
  • Beaten egg for glazing

Preheat the oven to 200C (Fan 190C) and line a baking tray with parchment, or grease and flour.
Put the flour, butter and sugar into the food processor and blitz until the margarine is completely obliterated and the mixture is fine and sandy.
Tip into a bowl.
Chop the Nakd bar into chunks, then add to the bowl along with the raisins.
Pour in the almond milk and mix with a knife blade (to avoid over working it) until just mixed. Add a splash more milk if it isn't coming together properly, but don't go overboard.
Tip it out onto a floured work surface and give a very quick knead (literally two or three wedges).
Roll or press out until 2-3cm thick, then cut out rounds and carefully move to the prepared tray.
Wedge together the trimmings and repeat, trying to avoid working the dough too much.
Brush the top of each scone with beaten egg - try hard not to let it drip down the sides, as this will stop it from rising as much by anchoring it to the tray.
Bake for around 15 minutes, until risen and golden.
Cool on a wire rack - but they are delicious whilst still warm too.

Guess whose scone is whose?
In a turn up for the books, Mini-M the junior jam fiend decided she wanted hers with almond butter. Well, she asked for peanut butter, but we're run out, and she didn't notice the difference. This is kid who will sit and eat a piece of fish, exclaiming 'yummy chicken".... Mr E (aka Jam Fiend Sr) stuck to form and went with a hearty dollop of apricot conserve. I kept the chocolate theme going with some dairy free dark chocolate spread.