One handed blogging and baby winding!

So baby Martha is here and has turned our world upside down - but in a beautiful, cuddly, wonderful sort of way (admittedly with frequent bouts of crying, sicking and pooing!). She's currently asleep on my shoulder, so this will be a quick post, due to the one handed typing... but I thought I should post a couple of pics before I forget...
The first is of a fab Chard, Emmental and Brazil Nut Quiche I made about a month before M arrived. No recipe because I made it up, and it was so long ago I've completely forgotten the ingredients and quantities. But it was absolutely delicious, so I'll have to try to recreate it at some point in the future!

And on the 20th of Aug it was my better half's birthday. With a teeny baby, I was lacking both the time and energy for a proper birthday cake, but thanks to a fab TK-Maxx biscuit cutter find, I did manage to rustle up a Giant Dinosaur Jigsaw Cookie - again no recipe - just a standard-type biscuit mix, baked at a relatively low temp to prevent it spreading too much.

Here's hoping that I'll have time for a but more making, caking and blogging in the not too distant future :o)