Recent posts

21st February

Mini-M's toddler toes sporting some rainbow felt tip pen "nail polish" (at her request). Gladly it washed off an hour or so later in the shower!

20th February

Today's photo is for Mr E's benefit to prove that there is indeed a pond with ducks, swans etc at Heriot Watt Uni campus. I know it exists - it's on my lunch...

19th February

Today's nursery artwork takes finger painting to a new level - I give you Mini-M's dismembered arm print. She is very proud of it and it has pride of place o...

18th February

Sunshine at stirling station. I was waiting for a train home after some work meetings - such a sunshiney day today but frost again tonight.

17th February

Just finished the week 3 assignment of the online Coursera nutrition course I'm doing. This week has been all about diabetes - next week it's cancer. Informa...

16th February

Weeee! Blurry fun playing on the swing in Granny and Grandad E’s garden during a weekend trip down to Hawick.<div class="separator" style="clear: both; te...

15th February

Friday night entertainment - watching cdza videos on YouTube with the folks!

14th February

Mini-M was determined to dry her hair tonight all by herself. Problem is she can hardly lift the hairdryer! Here she is in full two-handed leaning backwards ...