A Picture A Day: Week 22

This week it's a full 7 days of Mini-M pictures - turns out I didn't take photos of much else!

So here she is...

Saturday 28th May
Mini-M still in her pyjamas, unpacking my handbag whilst I was getting ready to head off to help out at a Brownie camp for the day.

Sunday 29th May
Behind the wheel of her new racing car brick trolley and taking some tentative steps...

Monday 30th May
Waterproofed up (and reflecting the flash) - another windy and rainy day in Edinburgh

Tuesday 31st May
Practising her royal wave - clearly she's got delusions of grandeur!

Wednesday 1st June
Trying out her sunglasses for the fast approaching holiday

Thursday 2nd June
Looking very pleased to be wearing a woolly hat... and pyjamas... and a sleeping bag... indoors... in June...

Friday 3rd June
Concentrating hard on watering the table