Random recipes - from my phone!

I've been a bit silent on the blogging front - my computer is poorly - so I'm writing this post from my phone!  Please excuse a) brevity b) formatting c) lack of proper challenge logos etc because inserting them is beyond me.

For this month's random recipes challenge - hosted as always by Dominic at Belleau Kitchen - we were challenged to pick a book languishing on our shelves and give it a final whirl before dispatching it to the charity shop.

I chose the book "Apples For Jam" by Tess Kiros with a heavy heart.  It's a gorgeous book and I was over the moon to discover it in a charity shop a while ago. But I have to confess I've not made anything else from it and it is a weighty tome, hence my decision to bid it a reluctant farewell.

The recipe I ended up with was thankfully super simple - good bread baked with honey, nuts, brown sugar and butter. I messed about with the ingredients and proportions but the essence is the same. We enjoyed it for pudding but it would make a fantastic breakfast treat.

Baked honey & nut bread (serves 4)

2 large thick slices of white crusty bread
50g runny honey
1 tbsp dark brown soft sugar
1 tbsp dairy free margarine
6 small Brazil nuts
12 small skin on almonds

Preheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with parchment.
Roughly chop the nuts
Melt the margarine then mix with the honey nuts and sugar
Spread the mixture evenly over the 2 slices
Bake for around 20 mins until crispy
Allow to cool slightly then enjoy whilst still warm.