Mini-M Makes… Scones and Collages

It has been an action packed afternoon here - Mini-M and I ventured into the kitchen for her first ever baking, and then later did her first cutting and sticking (OK well, maybe just sticking!)

I was surprised how successful baking with a 15 month old was, and how much she was actually able to do. Similarly the collage - she was really into it.

I hope you have as much fun looking at these pictures as we did!

We made scones - of the rough and ready singular giant variety. There was no weighing, and no recipe. To be honest, I'm quite surprised how well they/it came out.

The 'recipe' was 5 heaped dessert spoons of self raising flour, 1 heaped dessert spoon of margarine, 1 egg, a slosh of soya milk and a handful of raisins. The flour and marge were rubbed in together, then the egg and soya milk stirred in, the whole lot mixed up and unceremoniously dumped on a baking tray, squashed flat, with raisins stuck on, baked at 180C for about 15 mins.

Doing her warm up exercises...
Stirring the flour
Rubbing in the margarine
Mixing in the egg and soya milk
Mini-M was chief raisin-sticker-onner. If she had her way, pretty much everything in life would be liberally coated in raisins. Often our living room carpet is!
Caught in the act - raisin theft - and very almost a nasty scone/sock incident!
Baked and cooling until after tea
Mini-M enjoying the fruits of her labours
The collage was vaguely starry sky themed, since Mini-M is a big Twinkle Twinkle fan at the moment. I don't want to think about how many times each day I sing it! She sings along too with 'Howowowow' for how I wonder and 'Upabawaw' for up above. I covered a piece of black paper in Prit Stick, then gave her a selection of bits to stick on. After a lot of initial sticking and unsticking and resticking she got the hang of it, with an interlude of confusion in the middle as to why the stars would stick to the paper but no her jumper. Turns out that if your fingers are mucky enough, and you manhandle the stars enough times, they stick temporarily to skin - a source of much excitement!

This was not a set up - she stuck the star there, and was very pleased with herself!
In case you wondered, this is what pink tissue looks like suddenly very, very close up
The finished masterpieces :o)
And once the collaging was done, she happily spent another ten minutes posting a single star in and out of the washing machine. Simple pleasures!