Mini-M Makes… Tropical Pirate Muffins

Right now Mini-M is into mixing, so I thought some muffin making might prove popular. It did, and it also lead to the discovery of possibly an even more fun kitchen job... sprinkling. It's on a par with mixing in terms of mess. Mini M's sprinkling is more enthusiastic than accurate, and her mixing has sudden catapulting tendencies when quite a lot of the contents which were up until that moment in the bowl end up very quickly out of the bowl. Thank goodness for vacuum cleaners!

Incidentally, we're now calling the vacuum the hoover, after she spent quite a long time standing shouting 'vacuum', just that it didn't quite sound like that! And I don't want to the the parent in charge some day when she randomly starts shouting it in her buggy as we're walking along the street. "Hoofer, hoofer, Mummy hoofer!" is slightly less embarrassing than the alternative! The usual "Broccoli" "Tortoise" "No Doggy" "Seagull" repertoire of buggy shouting gets us enough funny looks...

Anyway... back to the muffins!

Tropical Pirate Muffins (makes 12 small muffins)

  • 150g Self Raising Flour
  • 75g Plain Flour
  • 1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 180ml Coconut Water
  • 90ml Oil (I used rapeseed)
  • Desiccated Coconut for sprinkling

Preheat the oven to 180C and line a 12 hole bun tin with paper cases.
Sieve the dry ingredients into a bowl (I have to confess I didn't sieve). If you have a little kitchen pixie helping you, then it is essential to stir it after every addition, including the first one. Vigorously. With a lot of spoon waving and many cries of 'keep the spoon in the bowl!'.
Add the wet ingredients and beat well to mix.
Spoon into the prepared cases - it worked out at about 1 tablespoon in each.
Sprinkle with the desiccated coconut.
Bake for about 20 minutes - waving good bye to them before putting them in the oven is also optional...

Walk away from the mess...
These tasted really lovely, which was a bonus! It's always a bit hit or miss with a 'fling some things together in a bowl' recipe, but there's generally not much time for anything more considered or careful when Mini-M is helping.
And the proof of the muffin is in the...
...sprinkling, of crumbs from on high!