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23rd January

Now I'm the poorly one! I sniffed and sneezed my way through work today and am hoping I can do the same tomorrow! Right now I can't help thinking I should be...

22nd January

Rubbish photo day today - picture taken from the bus on the way home. Burton’s biscuit factory in Sighthill - the source of the amazing sweet biscuity smell ...

21st January

The selection of books chosen for me by Mr E and Mini-M when they went on a poorly peoples’ trip to the library earlier today. They both have a vicious snott...

Looking back: Sweet Treats from our veg box

Sad times - today I had to cancel our veg box because someone local to our house stole half of the fruit and our eggs last week, and most likely our eggs th...

20th January

Mini-M's been poorly today. It's been a day of slumping on the sofa with Jemima Puddleduck for cuddles, watching CBeebies repeats on iPlayer. Thankfully by t...

Great Grapes

We had snow today! Completely unrelated to the main subject of the post but nevertheless, snow! Enough to go sledging - even at sea level in Leith! So we did...

19th January

"When I'm a little bit bigger Mummy I coming back and choosing this one" Really.....?

Random Recipes #24 Torrijas

This month’s Random Recipes challenge was a) not soup and b) not phallic looking which was a nice change - phew! It’s been an odd couple of  months on the ch...

17th January

This sums up my evening - not eating burgers but doing puzzles, watching tv, web browsing and eating toast. Brain dead tonight after an unpleasantly epic dri...