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Pomegranate & Chocolate Cupcakes

I love pomegranates. They remind me of being a kid, and wintry evenings, and sticky fingers, and total absorption in picking out all the little bits (which I...

Cold Chip Fritttata

I am as big a fan as the next person of that Scottish delicacy of chips and brown sauce, wrapped up in brown paper from the chippie. But you always, always, ...

A Picture A Day: Week 40

Late again this week - a horrible migraine kept me away from the computer for a couple of days.But I’m fixed now, and catching up, so here are last week’s pi...

A Proliferation of Pancakes

Mini-M is currently a bit anti-food. It tends to be thrown across the room before it even goes in her mouth, and there are often sudden tears for not apparen...

Eggy Bread Fruit Cake

If you are looking for a weekend breakfast treat, but prefer something sweet to the fry-up variety, then this might just fit the bill!It’s quick and easy, pr...

Overnight Home-Cured Bacon Chops a la Hugh

As if I don’t have enough recipes in my cookbook and recipe cutting stash, I also get cookbooks out of the library. I’m sure Mr E probably wishes I didn’t be...