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Almond Milk & Almond Cake

Since I can't have dairy at the moment, and don't like soya milk that much (small understatement) I've been looking for alternative milk substitutes. My favo...

A Picture A Day: Week 7

Can't believe it's Friday again, and I've managed 7 weeks of daily photos without giving up - and it's becoming second nature, so things are looking likely f...

Better late than never: World Nutella Day

Saturday 5th February was World Nutella Day. Which made me both happy and sad. Happy that such a concept existed. Sad that I couldn't eat Nutella. But I deci...

A Picture A Day: Week 6

A bit of an improvement in the weather this week has hopefully meant a bit of improvement in the photo taking! It has been a long week - not in a dragging on...

Thing-A-Day 2011: Kirigami Hearts

A post today that is high on the picture count and low on the word count. I'm participating in the Thing-A-Day 2011 challenge. It's described as its organis...

Mango Salsa with a Secret Ingredient

It's been a busy weekend in the kitchen this weekend. And for once I remembered to take photos of at most of the results, which will hopefully keep me bloggi...

A Picture A Day: Week 5

It's been a miserable, rainy and windy week, which means photo taking has by and large been an indoor activity. So this week's offerings sadly lack sunsets, ...

Baby Workwear!

For once this is a makey rather than a cakey post. Believe it or not, I do make quite a lot of stuff - most often, my husband will probably vouch for, I make...

A Picture A Day: Week 4

This week has been a bad week photographically speaking - I'm confessing to two cheats. One because I forgot to take a picture on Monday, and took an extra o...