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When the sun shines, it’s time to picnic!

We’re having a warm snap. Not often something that can be said in Scotland, and particularly not in March. But for the past three days, it has been glorious....

Poorly Pikelets

Last week I had the lurgy, of the stuffed up head, weird wobbly falling over balance, poppy ears and wheezy chest variety. Yuck. (Better now though thank goo...

It’s Been A Masochistic Week…

… or so it would seem, on reflection! But a fun one.Tonight, I spent the evening with the Edinburgh Cake Ladies at Mimi’s Bakehouse, sharing and comparing so...

No Croutons Required - Spicy!

This Month’s No Croutons Required theme is spicy - we were tasked with cooking up a spicy vegetarian soup or salad, and since it’s is our lovely host Lisa’s ...

Al Fresco Birthday Cake

“Oh” said Mr E, coming into the kitchen “I didn’t realise you were planning on making birthday cake”“Well, I wasn’t” I said “But the grapes in the fruit dish...

A Tale of Two Mueslis

Last weekend we all got together to celebrate Uncle P and Auntie L’s birthdays.Mini-M spent a happy half hour sprinkling the kitchen floor with oats and rais...

Mini-M Makes… Tropical Pirate Muffins

Right now Mini-M is into mixing, so I thought some muffin making might prove popular. It did, and it also lead to the discovery of possibly an even more fun ...

Fruity Clafoutis

Here’s another creation that is normally fairly dairy intense, which I’ve de-dairied. I was going to type ‘so that we could enjoy it’ but that’s not strictly...